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There are people who live in constant motion and for decades, they are traveling all over the world. They wander for thousands of miles away, and on their way they meet a whole lot of different people. Very often they don't have a permanent residence. Equally often they don't even have a home they can return to, or any material thing but a backpack.

More over, they don't feel homesick claiming that the house is where their closest friends are.
Cut off physically from reality and daily struggles,
mentally free from 'favors' of stationary life. They travel. However, they are not traveling in search of 'something'. They travel for the traveling itself.
Happy who will meet them on their way and will look through
them like a mirror. Especially in their disinterested and unpretentious approach to life.

Within a few decades their temporary correspondence addresses
were coming not only from Europe, but also from the Americas, Africa, and Asia. They feel well almost everywhere. They can quickly adapt to time and climate changes, to different people, cultures, customs, applicable law etc. However, they do not exclusively belong to any community. They basically live kind of next to people. From the outside it looks rather like they did not create
reality, but only watched it. They do not feel like a part of any community nor does the community accept them fully. They are tolerant mutually, but do not create deeper kinship. The country of their birth is not the least important here, nor the country where they grew up. They do not know where they will be tomorrow, next week, in a month, and even more in a year or two years.
They speak a lot of languages, though none of them perfectly. They are independent and self-sufficient. They have no expectations for the world nor to the people. They accept life as it is. They feel the best in these parts of the world,
which in some way interested them. Especially where they didn't go yet. For the necessary expenses they earn with their own hands. The number of places and professions they occupy is as much impressive as the number of places they have visited. Working in different fields allows them to reach even more groups of people with whom they are living at the moment. Work with them allows them to fully acclimatize in a specific place and get to know the customs there.

Slowly, without hurry. Without urgent deadlines and non-stop calling phones.
Citizens of the world. Not businessmen or celebrities from the front pages of newspapers. Not people of speech, but people of action. They are the only ones that deserve in full the appoint of  'world citizens'. Who knows, maybe in the near future we will meet them on our way?

Author: Szymon Kowalski (


Atol Maupiti, Polinezja Francuska

Indianin Embera. Park Narodowy Soberania. Panama

Gdzieś w Namibii

Since 2017 I'm traveling with my boyfriend and this is the map of our travels.

The pink heart are tho countries we have visited together

The black girl - countries that I have visited

Yellow guy - countries that he have visited.

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